Interior Design Mistakes That Are Shrinking The Space In Your Home

HomeGate Realty Reno NV Alan Hoffman Realtor Reno Sparks NV Magda Martinez Realtor Reno NV Sparks NV Northern Nevada Homes

Do you need help finding free space in your home? Constantly bumping into that pesky end table, or simply overwhelmed by the clutter? Interior design is the answer but also the culprit! So, before you jump into a complete home renovation, put the hammer down, and let’s take a look at some fundamental design mistakes that could be making your home feel significantly smaller than it is!

Overcrowded Furniture

One of the most common interior design mistakes, overcrowding, is a surefire way to shrink and overwhelm any space. The first step in decluttering your furniture is to decide what stays and what goes. Oftentimes, even slight tweaks to the arrangement of a room can drastically open it up. When rearranging your furniture, pick a focal point and work around it, whether a large patterned rug, a central table, or even a boldly colored armchair.

Thinking “Small” With Colors

More often than not, homeowners will choose a muted, neutral color for their rooms to try and draw less attention to smaller rooms. However, a pop of color might be exactly what you’re missing! Specific colors can actually visually expand your space. Painting a contrasting color on an accent wall or adding a vibrant rug can do wonders to enlarge a room. Go big and go bold when it comes to designing with color!

Not Considering Storage

When planning the design of your home, did you consider the inevitable clutter? Mess is unavoidable but also often a considerable factor in shrinking a space. Planning ahead and creating visually appealing storage options that remove the clutter from sight is an essential part of a powerfully designed home. Take advantage of nooks, seemingly “unusable” corners, and even furniture as points of interest for storage.

A strong sense of interior design is essential when styling and arranging your home. Fixing these design mistakes, or avoiding them altogether, is the best way to start your interior design journey. Discover even more interior design tips at HomeGate Realty!

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